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When it comes to content editing, we've made your job easy. All is done with a Microsoft Word-like editor - where knowledge of HTML is not required. You can edit your content with the tools you're familiar with. Cut, copy, paste, bold, italicize the normal way.
We're content experts. Editing websites is the number one function of the CMS, and therefore we've made it an easy process. We've turned it into a science because we think that you should spend more time adding content, and less time understanding the editor.
You can upload photos without having to resize them, our templates will take care of them.
You can upload videos and setup youtube slideshows, again, our templates will be sizing them natively.
You can type text like you type a Word document. Hyperlinks are easy to make.
Our system allows you to have multiple editors, with varying access permissions. When you are logged in as admin, the website will display links to edit each section. It's so simple and functional that you willl find yourself looking forward to updating your website.
You can even update your website via email. Yes, that's right. Attach photos to your emails and these photos will make it on the website as well. We call it the email bridge. It's very simple and allows you to update a blog, or send news, when you're on the go or at an event.